Everyone knows that buying a home is not a one step process. There are many things you need to do to prepare for such a large purchase. Before you start to get overwhelmed, we have compiled a...
What Does an Appraiser Do?
As a first-time home buyer, it may be difficult to determine if the seller is asking a fair price. How do you determine the value of a home? That is what an appraiser is for. A Real Estate appraisal...
Considering Refinancing? Mistakes to Avoid
With mortgage rates being at new record lows and the threat of Coronavirus, homeowners are rushing to refinance their mortgages. However, it is important to look before you leap. There are details...
The Home Closing Timeline During COVID-19
The home buying and selling process looks a little different during this time of isolation. If you have managed to finally get past the offer and negotiation stage, you will find that the closing...
How To: Make an Offer and Negotiate in the Age of COVID-19
In just a short amount of time, the Real Estate market has been turned onto its head. In spite of it all, it is still possible to find your dream home - and you may have! You are now ready to place...
DIY Quarantine Supplies Made With Household Items
It’s no secret that a trip to the grocery store now is like heading out during the apocalypse. Lines are long, everything is being hoarded, it if it isn’t - it’s likely out of stock. Maybe you...