Buying a home may be a financial transaction, but it's a highly emotional one, too. And while there are highs - like the moments you know you've found The One or you get the keys to your new home -...
How Long Does It Take to Build Credit History From Scratch?
If you ever plan to buy a house, establishing a track record of past payments is essential, because it proves to mortgage lenders that you've paid people back. Which means they'll be more apt to...
Ways to Save Money on Your Next Mortgage
You've heard the news- mortgage rates surpassed 5% and don't appear to be coming back down anytime soon. While that's up for debate, the tren is clearly not your friend when it comes to securing a...
How Long Does Underwriting Take and Can You Speed It Up?
Underwriting is the process in which mortgage lenders verify your assets to get a home loan. This can take as little as two to three days, but typically it takes over a week to finish. This process...
8 Tips for Refinancing as Mortgage Rates Rise
If you want to refinance, but mortgage rates are rising. Don't worry you haven't missed the boat on you refi opportunity. Mortgage rates are still historically low, and they aren't expected to...
“House-Rich, Cash-Poor”: What It Really Means
"House-rich, cash-poor" sounds like the title of a country song. After all, how can someone be rich and poor at the same time, unless they're fighting some poetic struggle in a twangy ballad? Well,...