Should you prepay your mortgage? for some homeowners, it's a financially savvy move but for others, beefing up their loan payments just doesn't make sense. To help you figure out whether prepayment...
Facing Foreclosure? Here’s When You Actually Have to Move Out
During the housing crisis of the early 2000s, foreclosure numbers were at a record high. Thankfully, the market has since turned around, but that doesn't mean foreclosures are necessarily a thing of...
What Is an Amortization Schedule? Mapping Out Your Mortgage Payments
What is an amortization schedule? When you borrow money to buy a home, one of the documents you'll see is an amortization schedule providing your mortgage lender who could be a retail bank, a...
Surprising Things That Can Drive Up the Cost of Buying a Foreclosure Home
Buying a foreclosure home, also known as a distressed property, might seem like a less expensive way to get into your next place. These homes usually sell for about 15% below the home's actual...
What Is an APR? Annual Percentage Rate, Explained
What is an APR? The annual percentage rate, or APR, is how much you'll pay in interest and other fees when borrowing money (e.g., when you get a mortgage loan or a credit card). APR can also be...
How to Get a Mortgage: A Step-by-Step Guide for Home Buyers
If you want to buy a house but don't have oodles of cash lying around, you'll need to learn how to get a mortgage - that all-important home loan used to purchase property that you will then pay back...