What’s the Difference Between Secured vs. Unsecured Loans?
If you are searching "secured vs unsecured" chances are you are in the process of looking for a loan and need some clarification on what the difference is. Basically, a secured loan means that you...
3 Alternatives to Foreclosure
If you have missed a few mortgage payments, a foreclosure may be on your mind. However, there are several options you have when you can no longer afford your house. First, and probably the most...
Don’t Get Stuck in the “Hurricane Box”
From June 1st to November 30th is Hurricane season, which means that it will be slightly more difficult to buy certain insurance coverage. If a named tropical storm or hurricane enters an...
4 Steps in a Foreclosure
Foreclosures are not something that anyone wants to go through and yet around 250,000 new families go through it every 3 months. So what actually happens during the foreclosure process and does it...
How to Qualify for an FHA Loan
FHA loans are growing in popularity because of the many benefits they offer to first-time home buyers. So with so many people interested in them, here is a list of things that FHA loans require....
How Long is a Mortgage Pre-Approval Valid?
We have all probably heard just how important it is to get pre-approved before doing some serious home shopping. However, those pre approval letters do have an expiration date. How Long Does the...